/* ImprovedDropDown */ /* Verison 1.0.2 + variable protection */ /* Copyright 2011 John Fuex Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* All tab indented lines were modified by aai@switch.ch */ (function(global, factory) { typeof global.define === 'function' && global.define.amd ? define("improvedDropDown", ["jquery"], factory) : typeof global.$ === 'function' ? factory(global.$) : typeof global.jQuery === 'function' ? factory(global.jQuery) : typeof global.jquery === 'function' ? factory(global.jquery) : ""; // noop - die silently })(this, function(jq) { var debugMode = 0; //setting this to 1 will supress hiding the original select controls for debugging purposes. var idd_list_suffix = '_iddlist'; var idd_icon_suffix = '_iddicon'; var idd_text_suffix = '_iddtext'; var idd_wrap_suffix = '_iddwrap'; var KEY_ESCAPE = 27; var KEY_TAB = 9; var KEY_ENTER = 13; var KEY_UPARROW = 38; var KEY_DOWNARROW = 40; var KEY_LEFTARROW = 37; var KEY_RIGHTARROW= 39; var KEY_PRESS_FILTER_DELAY_MS = 120; var resizeHandlerSet = false; var suspendTextBoxExitHandler = false; // Stores number of entries that matched for text var matchedEntries = 0; var displayLogos = false; var enableValueMatching = true; (function ($) { $.fn.improveDropDown = function (value) { if (!resizeHandlerSet) { $(window).resize(function() { delayCall('windowResize', idd_windowResize, 20 ); }); $(document).click(windowDismissOpenLists); resizeHandlerSet = true; } if (arguments.length === 0 || typeof value === 'object') { //init var iconPath='./img/dropIcon.png'; var noMatchesText='No Matches'; var noItemsText='No Items Available'; var disableRemoteLogos=false; if (arguments.length === 1) { if ('iconPath' in value) {iconPath = value.iconPath.toString();} if ('noMatchesText' in value) {noMatchesText = value.noMatchesText.toString();} if ('noItemsText' in value) {noItemsText = value.noItemsText.toString();} if ('disableRemoteLogos' in value) {disableRemoteLogos = value.disableRemoteLogos;} if ('enableValueMatching' in value) {enableValueMatching = value.enableValueMatching;} } this.each(function () { var thisElement = $(this); var wrapperControl = getWrapperElement(thisElement); thisElement.after(wrapperControl); var newImgElement = getImageElement(thisElement,iconPath); wrapperControl.append(newImgElement); var newTextElement = getTextElement(thisElement, newImgElement); wrapperControl.prepend(newTextElement); var newListControl = getListElement(thisElement); wrapperControl.append(newListControl); // Remove logos from remote URL if this features is activated if (disableRemoteLogos){ removeRemoteLogos(thisElement); } populateList(thisElement, newListControl,noMatchesText,noItemsText); if (document.activeElement == thisElement[0]) { //if replaced element had focus, move it to new control. newTextElement.focus().select(); } if (debugMode != 1) { thisElement.hide(); } }); } else { //setvalue this.each(function () { var listControl = getListControlFromOtherControl($(this)); if (listControl!=null) { var item = findItemByValue(listControl, value); if (item != null) { selectItem(item,true,true,false); } } }); } return this; //preserve chaining. }; })(jq); /** Start: Initializers and Control Builders **/ function getWrapperElement(sourceElement) { var newID = sourceElement.attr('id'); var newWrapperElement = jq(''); // Activate logo usage if there is at least one logo present if (jq('#' + newID ).find('option[logo]').length > 0) { displayLogos = true; } newWrapperElement.attr('id', newID + idd_wrap_suffix) .css('border-style','none') .css('white-space', 'nowrap') .css('float', 'left') .css('padding', '0') .click(function () {return false;}); return newWrapperElement; } function removeRemoteLogos(existingSelectControl){ var sourceListItems = existingSelectControl.find('OPTION'); if (sourceListItems.length === 0) { return; } sourceListItems.each( function () { var optionItem = jq(this); // Skip items without logos if (!optionItem.attr('logo')){ return; } // Remove logos that are not embedded as data URIs if (optionItem.attr('logo').toLowerCase().indexOf('data:image') !== 0){ optionItem.removeAttr('logo'); } }); } function addLogoToTextElement(newTextElement, url){ if (!displayLogos){ return; } if (!url){ newTextElement.css('text-indent' , '0'); newTextElement.css('background' , '#fff'); return; } newTextElement.css('text-indent' , '20px'); // IE Fix newTextElement.css('line-height' , '18px'); // Add logo as background newTextElement.css('background-color' , '#fff'); newTextElement.css('background-size' , '16px 16px'); newTextElement.css('background-repeat' , 'no-repeat'); newTextElement.css('background-position' , '2px 2px'); if (url.match(/^url\(/)){ newTextElement.css('background-image' , url); } else { newTextElement.css('background-image' , 'url(' + url + ')'); } } function getTextElement(sourceElement, imgElement) { //Important! imgElement must already be added to DOM and visible! var newID = sourceElement.attr('id'); var newTextElement = jq(''); // We have to substract 2px from the height if page is not rendered in standard mode var quirksModeOffset = (document.compatMode ==='CSS1Compat') ? 0 : 2 ; var controlWidth = Math.max(sourceElement.outerWidth() - imgElement.outerWidth() + quirksModeOffset,40); newTextElement.attr('id', newID + idd_text_suffix) .addClass('idd_textbox') .attr('value', sourceElement.find('option:selected').text()) .css('height', Math.max((imgElement.innerHeight() + quirksModeOffset), 18) + 'px') .css('font-family', sourceElement.css('font-family')) .css('font-size', sourceElement.css('font-size')) .css('border-width', '1px') .css('padding','0') .attr('autocomplete', 'off') .width(controlWidth); if (displayLogos){ addLogoToTextElement(newTextElement, sourceElement.find('option:selected').attr('logo')); } setIsDirty(newTextElement, false); newTextElement.keydown(function (e) { switch (e.which) { case KEY_ENTER: { selectFirstMatch(jq(this), true); e.stopPropagation(); return false; //prevents form submit on enter key whenfocus is on this field. } case KEY_TAB: if (e.which == KEY_TAB) { //handles case where mouseover dropdown list and user presses tab key to leave field selectFirstMatch(jq(this), true); break; } case KEY_DOWNARROW: { navItem(jq(this), 'forward'); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } case KEY_UPARROW: { navItem(jq(this), 'back'); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } default: break; } }); newTextElement.keyup(function (e) { var thisTextElement = jq(this); switch (e.which) { case KEY_ESCAPE: closeListUndoTyping(thisTextElement); break; case KEY_TAB: break; case KEY_ENTER: // Submit if only one entry matches if (matchedEntries == 1) { jq('[name="Select"]').click(); } break; case KEY_DOWNARROW: break; case KEY_UPARROW: break; case KEY_LEFTARROW: break; case KEY_RIGHTARROW: break; default: delayCall('updatefilter_' + this.id, function () { updateListFilter(thisTextElement); }, KEY_PRESS_FILTER_DELAY_MS); } }); newTextElement.focusout(function () { if (!suspendTextBoxExitHandler) { selectFirstMatch(jq(this),true); } }); // Clear text area on click newTextElement.click(function (obj) { if (obj.target.value !== ''){ obj.target.savedValue = obj.target.value; obj.target.value = ''; obj.target.savedLogo = jq(obj.target).css('background-image'); addLogoToTextElement(jq(obj.target), null); } jq('#' + newID + idd_icon_suffix).click(); }); // Restore text area on focos out newTextElement.focusout(function (obj) { if (obj.target.value === '' && obj.target.savedValue !== ''){ obj.target.value = obj.target.savedValue; addLogoToTextElement(jq(obj.target), obj.target.savedLogo); } }); return newTextElement; } function getImageElement(sourceElement,iconPath) { var newID = sourceElement.attr('id'); var newImgElement = jq(''); var quirksModeOffset = (document.compatMode ==='CSS1Compat') ? 0 : 2; var imageSize = Math.max(sourceElement.outerHeight() + quirksModeOffset, 20); newImgElement.attr('id', newID + idd_icon_suffix) .attr('src',iconPath) .attr('alt', 'drop-down list') .addClass('idd_icon') .css('cursor', 'pointer') .css('height', imageSize + 'px') .css('width', imageSize + 'px') .css('vertical-align','middle') .css('overflow','hidden') .css('display','inline-block') .css('margin','0'); //prevents clicks on icon from firing lostfocus on textbox newImgElement.mouseenter(function () { suspendTextBoxExitHandler = true; }); newImgElement.mouseleave(function () { suspendTextBoxExitHandler = false; }); newImgElement.click(function (event) { var listControl = getListControlFromOtherControl(jq(this)); var textControl = getTextControlFromOtherControl(jq(this)); if (listControl.is(':visible')) { selectFirstMatch(textControl,true); } else { windowDismissOpenLists(listControl); clearFilter(getTextControlFromOtherControl(jq(this))); showList(listControl) textControl.focus().select(); } // Highlight selected item var selectElement = getSelectControlFromOtherControl(listControl); var selectedListElement = jq("[savedValue='" + selectElement.val() + "']").first(); selectedListElement.addClass("idd_listItem_Hover"); // Scroll to proper list entry listControl.scrollTop(selectedListElement.position().top + listControl.scrollTop() - 30); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); return newImgElement; } function getListElement(sourceElement) { var newID = sourceElement.attr('id'); var newListControl = jq('
'); newListControl.attr('id', newID + idd_list_suffix) .css('position','absolute') .css('display','none') .css('overflow','auto') .css('overflow-y','auto') .css('overflow-x', 'hidden') .css('padding-right','20px') .css('background-color','white') .scroll(function() { loadVisibleLogos(jq(this)); }) .addClass('idd_list') .mouseenter(function () { suspendTextBoxExitHandler = true; }) .mouseleave(function () { suspendTextBoxExitHandler = false; }); newListControl.keydown(function (e) { switch (e.which) { case KEY_DOWNARROW: { navItem(getTextControlFromOtherControl(jq(this)), 'forward'); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } case KEY_UPARROW: { navItem(getTextControlFromOtherControl(jq(this)), 'back'); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } default: break; } }); return newListControl; } function loadVisibleLogos(obj){ // Loop through all child elements and check which elements are visible jq(obj).children('.idd_listItem[logo]').each(function () { if (jq(this).visible() && jq(this).attr("logo")){ // Load logo var imgObj = jq(this).children("img:first-child")[0]; imgObj.src = jq(this).attr("logo"); } }); } function populateList(existingSelectControl, newListControl,noMatchesText,noItemsText) { var noMatchesHeader = getListGroupItem(noMatchesText,false); noMatchesHeader.addClass('grpHdrNoMatches').addClass('idd_message'); newListControl.append(noMatchesHeader); var sourceListItems = existingSelectControl.children('OPTGROUP, OPTION'); if (sourceListItems.length === 0) { var noItemsHeader = getListGroupItem(noItemsText,true).addClass('idd_message'); newListControl.append(noItemsHeader); } sourceListItems.each( function () { if (isOptGroup(jq(this))) { populateListGroupItem(newListControl, jq(this)); } else { populateListItem(newListControl, jq(this)); } }); } function populateListGroupItem(newListControl, optionGroupItem) { var newListItem = getListGroupItem(optionGroupItem.attr('label'),true); newListControl.append(newListItem); optionGroupItem.children('OPTION').each(function () { populateListItem(newListControl, jq(this)); }); } function getListGroupItem(label,visible) { var newListItem = jq('
' + label + '
'); newListItem.addClass('idd_listItemGroupHeader'); newListItem.css('white-space','nowrap') .css('cursor','default'); if (!visible) {newListItem.css('display','none');} return newListItem; } function populateListItem(newListControl, optionItem) { var title = ''; var noImage = ''; var loadingImage = ''; // Add logo if there is at least one logo var logo = ''; if (displayLogos){ if (optionItem.attr('logo')){ logo = ''; } else if (optionItem.attr('data')){ // Add an invisible 1px gif inline logo = ''; } } var newListItem = jq('
' + logo + optionItem.text() + '
'); newListItem.addClass('idd_listItem'); if (isOptGroup(optionItem.parent())) { newListItem.addClass('idd_listItem_Nested'); title = optionItem.parent().attr('label') + ': '; } title += newListItem.text(); newListItem.attr('savedValue', optionItem.val()) .attr('title', title) .css('white-space','nowrap') .css('cursor','pointer'); // Move data element to list element if (optionItem.attr('data')){ newListItem.attr('data', optionItem.attr('data')) optionItem.removeAttr('data'); } else { newListItem.attr('data', optionItem.text()) } // Copy logo from source element to list if (optionItem.attr('logo')){ newListItem.attr('logo', optionItem.attr('logo')); } newListControl.append(newListItem); if((optionItem.attr("disabled")||'')=='') { newListItem.mouseover(function () { jq(this).parent().find('.idd_listItem_Hover').removeClass('idd_listItem_Hover'); jq(this).addClass('idd_listItem_Hover'); }); newListItem.mouseout(function () { jq(this).removeClass('idd_listItem_Hover'); }); newListItem.click(function () { selectItem(jq(this),true,true,false); if (optionItem.attr('logo')){ var textControl = getTextControlFromOtherControl(newListControl); addLogoToTextElement(jq(textControl), optionItem.attr('logo')); } jq('[name="Select"]').click(); }); } else { newListItem.addClass('idd_listItem_Disabled'); } } /** End: Initializers and Control Builders **/ /** Begin: Value Setters and Getters **/ function getItemValue(item) { return item.attr('savedValue'); } function setItemValue(item, value) { item.attr('savedValue', value); } function selectItem(selectedItem,forceDirty,closeList, supressChangeEvent) { var listControl = selectedItem.parent(); var textControl = getTextControlFromOtherControl(listControl); // update visible textbox textControl.val(selectedItem.text()); //update underlying control value var sourceControl = getSelectControlFromOtherControl(textControl); sourceControl.val(getItemValue(selectedItem)); if (forceDirty) {setIsDirty(textControl, true);} if (getIsDirty(textControl) && !supressChangeEvent) { sourceControl.change(); setIsDirty(textControl,false); } if (closeList) { listControl.hide(); } else { makeListItemVisible(listControl, selectedItem); } // show logo addLogoToTextElement(jq(textControl), jq(selectedItem).attr('logo')); } function resetValue(textControl) { var SelectControl = getSelectControlFromOtherControl(textControl); textControl.val(SelectControl.find('option:selected').text()); setIsDirty(textControl, false); } function findItemByValue(listControl,value) { var retVal = null; listControl.find('.idd_listItem').each(function () { var item = jq(this); if (getItemValue(item) == value) { retVal=item; return false; } }); return retVal; } function getBestMatch(value, listControl) { // returns jquery idd_listItem div tag of matching item or null on nomatch var filterMatches = listControl.find('.idd_listItem').filter(function () { if (doesListItemMach(jq(this), value)) { return true; } return false; }); var bestMatchElement; // Store matched entries matchedEntries = filterMatches.length; switch (filterMatches.length) { case 0: bestMatchElement = null; break; case 1: bestMatchElement = filterMatches.first(); break; default: var typedText = getTextControlFromOtherControl(listControl).val(); var exactMatch = null; filterMatches.each(function () { if (jq(this).text().toLowerCase() == typedText.toLowerCase()) { exactMatch = jq(this); return false; } }); if (exactMatch!=null) { bestMatchElement = exactMatch.first(); } else { bestMatchElement = filterMatches.first(); } } return bestMatchElement; } function selectFirstMatch(textControl,closeList) { var listControl = getListControlFromOtherControl(textControl); var updateKey = "updatefilter_" + textControl[0].id; if ( getIsDirty(textControl) || updateKey in delayedCalls ) { var bestMatchItem = getBestMatch(textControl.val(), listControl); if (bestMatchItem == null) { resetValue(textControl); } else { selectItem(bestMatchItem,true,closeList,false); } } if ( updateKey in delayedCalls ) { clearTimeout(delayedCalls[updateKey]); } if (closeList) { listControl.hide(); } return bestMatchItem; } /** End: Value Setters and Getters **/ /* start: dropdown list management */ function windowDismissOpenLists(exceptionListElement) { jq("div.idd_list:visible").each(function () { if (jq(this) != exceptionListElement) { var txtElement = getTextControlFromOtherControl(jq(this)); selectFirstMatch(txtElement,true); } }); } function idd_windowResize() { //reset the position and size of absolutely positioned dropdown lists jq('div.idd_list:visible').each(function () { positionList(jq(this))}) } function closeListUndoTyping(textControl) { var listControl = getListControlFromOtherControl(textControl); resetValue(textControl) listControl.hide(); } function clearFilter(textControl) { var listControl = getListControlFromOtherControl(textControl); listControl.children('.idd_listItemGroupHeader').show(); listControl.children('.grpHdrNoMatches').hide(); listControl.children('.idd_listItem').show() .removeClass('idd_listItem_Hover'); } function showList(listControl) { if (!listControl.is(':visible')) { listControl.show(); // Add scroll event handler to list div listControl.children('.idd_listItem[logo]').each(function () { if (jq(this).visible()) { jq(this).children("img").attr("src", jq(this).attr("logo")); } }); positionList(listControl); } } function positionList(listControl) { try { var textElement = getTextControlFromOtherControl(listControl); var imgElement = getImageControlFromOtherControl(listControl); var listTop = textElement.position().top + textElement.outerHeight(); listControl.css('top', listTop + 'px'); var childItems = listControl.children('.idd_listItem:visible,.idd_listItemGroupHeader:visible'); var elementHeightPx = getElementsTotalHeightPx(childItems); // Use absolute position of list to calculate list height var maxHeightPx = jq(window).height() + jq(document).scrollTop() - listControl.offset().top - 10; var minListHeigtPx = 80; var listhHeight = Math.min(elementHeightPx, maxHeightPx); listhHeight = Math.max(listhHeight, minListHeigtPx); listControl.css('height', listhHeight + 'px'); var widestListItemPx = getElementsLongestWidthPx(childItems.add('.idd_message')); var minListWidthPx = textElement.outerWidth() + imgElement.outerWidth() var listWidthPx = Math.max(minListWidthPx, widestListItemPx); // List width shall be at max page width - 100px listWidthPx = Math.min((jq(window).width() - 100), listWidthPx); var effectiveListWidth = listWidthPx; listControl.css('width', effectiveListWidth + 'px'); // Determine on which side to expand list var listLeft = textElement.position().left; if ((listLeft + effectiveListWidth + 20) >= jq(window).width()) { // Expand list to the left var newLeft = (listLeft - (effectiveListWidth + (listControl.outerWidth() - listControl.innerWidth()) - textElement.width())); listControl.css('left', newLeft + 'px'); } else { // Expand list to the right listControl.css('left', listLeft + 'px'); } } catch (err) { /*eat any sizing errors */ } } function getElementsLongestWidthPx(jElements) { var maxLenPx = 0; jElements.each(function () { thisControl = jq(this); maxLenPx = Math.max(maxLenPx, thisControl.outerWidth()); }); return maxLenPx; } function getElementsTotalHeightPx(jElements) { var maxHeight = 0; jElements.each(function () { maxHeight += jq(this).outerHeight() + 4; }); return maxHeight; } function updateListFilter(textControl) { var typedValue = textControl.val(); var listControl = getListControlFromOtherControl(textControl); var listItems = listControl.children('.idd_listItem') setIsDirty(textControl, true); listItems.removeClass('idd_listItem_Hover'); showList(listControl); listItems.each( function () { jq(this).toggle(doesListItemMach(jq(this), typedValue)); }); //show nomatches item, and no other headers if the filter excludes everything var anyMatches = Boolean(listItems.filter(':visible').length!=0); listControl.children('.idd_listItemGroupHeader').toggle(anyMatches); listControl.children('.grpHdrNoMatches').toggle(!anyMatches); // Hide visible but empty categories var previousElement = null; var allListItems = listControl.children().filter(':visible'); allListItems.each( function () { if (jq(this).hasClass("idd_listItemGroupHeader")){ if (previousElement != null && previousElement.hasClass("idd_listItemGroupHeader")){ previousElement.hide(); } } previousElement = jq(this); }); // Hide last visible item if it is a category if (allListItems.last().hasClass("idd_listItemGroupHeader") && !allListItems.last().hasClass("grpHdrNoMatches")){ allListItems.last().hide(); } positionList(listControl); //resize list to fit new visible elements. // Load logos loadVisibleLogos(listControl); } function doesListItemMach(listItem, compareText) { // Ensure the is not returned if (listItem.attr('savedValue') === '-'){ return false; } // disabled item if (listItem.hasClass('idd_listItem_Disabled')) { return false; } // item with matching text if (stringContainsCaseInsensitive(listItem.text(), compareText)) { return true; } // item with with matching value if (enableValueMatching && stringContainsCaseInsensitive(listItem.attr('data'), compareText)) { return true; } return false; } function getIsDirty(textControl) { return textControl.attr('isDirty') !== ''; } function setIsDirty(textControl,isDirty) { var dirtyVal = ''; if (isDirty) { dirtyVal = 'yes'; } else { dirtyVal = ''; } textControl.attr('isDirty',dirtyVal); } function navItem(textControl, navDirection) { var navForward = (navDirection.toString().toLowerCase() == 'forward'); var listControl = getListControlFromOtherControl(textControl); var currentValue = textControl.val(); var currentItem = listControl.find(".idd_listItem_Hover:eq(0)"); var isItemSelected = (currentItem.length > 0);// && !getIsDirty(textControl); //if there is no current item, select best match for text box entry. if (!isItemSelected) { showList(listControl); currentItem = getBestMatch(currentValue, listControl); } var selectedItem; if ((currentItem != null) && (currentItem.length > 0)) { if (isItemSelected) { if (navForward) { selectedItem = currentItem.nextAll(".idd_listItem:visible").eq(0); //next visible item forward } else { selectedItem = currentItem.prevAll(".idd_listItem:visible").eq(0); //next visible item backward } } else { selectedItem = currentItem; } } else { clearFilter(textControl); positionList(listControl); selectedItem = listControl.find(".idd_listItem:visible").eq(0); //first visible item. } if ((selectedItem != null) && (selectedItem.length>0)) { selectItem(selectedItem, Boolean(currentValue!=selectedItem.text()) ,false,true); if (isItemSelected) { listControl.find('.idd_listItem_Hover').removeClass('idd_listItem_Hover'); } selectedItem.addClass("idd_listItem_Hover"); } } function makeListItemVisible(listControl, item) { var listHeight = listControl.innerHeight(); var itemTop = item.position().top; var itemScrollTop = item.position().top + listControl.scrollTop(); var itemBottom = itemTop + item.outerHeight(); if ((itemBottom > listHeight) || (itemTop < 0)) { listControl.scrollTop(itemScrollTop + (item.outerHeight() * 2) - listHeight); } } /* end: dropdown list management */ /* start: Control converters and evaluators */ function getTextControlFromOtherControl(Control) {return swapControlSuffix(Control, idd_text_suffix);} function getListControlFromOtherControl(Control) { return swapControlSuffix(Control, idd_list_suffix); } function getImageControlFromOtherControl(Control) { return swapControlSuffix(Control, idd_icon_suffix); } function getSelectControlFromOtherControl(Control) { return swapControlSuffix(Control, ''); } function isOptGroup(control) { return control.get(0).tagName.toUpperCase() == 'OPTGROUP'; } function swapControlSuffix(Control, newSuffix) { var controlID = Control.attr('id'); var suffixStart = controlID.lastIndexOf('_'); if (suffixStart<0) { return(jq('#' + controlID + newSuffix)); } else { return jq('#' + controlID.substr(0, suffixStart) + newSuffix); } } /* end: Control converters */ function stringContainsCaseInsensitive(SearchIn, SearchFor) { return (SearchIn.toLowerCase().indexOf(SearchFor.toLowerCase())>-1); } /* start: Delayed calls methods */ var delayedCalls = Object; function delayCall(key, func, delayMs) { if (key in delayedCalls) { clearTimeout(delayedCalls[key]); } delayedCalls[key] = setTimeout(function () { processDelayedCall(key,func);} ,delayMs); } function processDelayedCall(key, func) { if (key in delayedCalls) { delete delayedCalls[key]; } func(); } /* end: Delayed calls methods */ (function($){ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Copyright 2012, Digital Fusion * Licensed under the MIT license. * http://teamdf.com/jquery-plugins/license/ * * @author Sam Sehnert * @desc A small plugin that checks whether elements are within * the user visible viewport of a web browser. * only accounts for vertical position, not horizontal. */ $.fn.visible = function(partial,hidden){ var $t = $(this).eq(0), t = $t.get(0), $w = $(window), viewTop = $w.scrollTop(), viewBottom = viewTop + $w.height(), _top = $t.offset().top, _bottom = _top + $t.height(), compareTop = partial === true ? _bottom : _top, compareBottom = partial === true ? _top : _bottom, clientSize = hidden === true ? t.offsetWidth * t.offsetHeight : true; return !!clientSize && ((compareBottom <= viewBottom) && (compareTop >= viewTop)); }; })(jq); });